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iGate Manual Testing Interview Questions
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May i know high priority&low seviarity,high seviarity&low priority

13 24499

difference beween re testing and regression testing?

20 42258

What is two tier and three tier architecture?

13 42516

wirte the test cases for triangle

3 31321

What are the difference between Water fall model and V- Model? Which one is better? Why 80% of Software companies using Water fall model nowadays?

5 15033

send test cases for system testing and what these test cases actually contain?

1 5122

what is the diff between BVA & ECP and also advantages about thease techniques..& i want some proper examples... from sekhar yadav sunkara

1 8292

difference between web based application and window based application

32 130937

would we do functional testing inside integration testing

3 7009

what is verification, validation

9 11357

what is inspection,walkthrough and review


what is test plan and test procedure

1 11411

what are stakeholders

1 5071

1)what is the basic diff. between unit testing and component testing 2)how do you implement framework in ur project through automation

5 36475

wht is the use of check list?

2 6539

Post New iGate Manual Testing Interview Questions

iGate Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What's the best way of making my program efficient?


What is the expansion of hmi?


What is python programming language?


How to Change the location of the object repository ?


Hi, I am doing Data Entry jobs in Accounts. please let me know "How to maintain Medical stores accounts"?


Can we add different application (program)in pro e modelling software? If YES ,then how????????


is below 2 ohms earth resistance is good for mobile tower


What is the between $(this) and 'this' in jquery?


Should I close br tag?


Where can we call the activities in a flow action?


tell me about your groups of friends?


What methodology can be utilized to modify the password in unix?


How to create the user group in sap system?


What is sequence in sql?


HI friends.I am Surya a BTech in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.I am going to appear Relince Industries Ltd all India writen test very soon. so plz help me by sendind the probable questions about my subject.My mail ID is