if i am having a cics,vsam and db2 programs with each functions and i want that each function on screen?
1973Post New iGate CICS Interview Questions
What are the ways to conserve forest ?
What is the alternate solution to response caching?
how the arrangement of equipments done in control room
How the data expert of flash object(after inserting flash object_right click-data expert) is useful in crt?
What is soap and rest web services?
How do you restrict the data to be entered in the payroll area?
how can i determine the KVA/MVA rating of transformer precisely?? is there any standard test?????
Please tell me about yourself?
How do I do a system restore?
Is shell scripting a programming language?
How do you implement css?
What is a web server used for?
what are the scope of planning in SDLC
What is
What does super () do?