What is microsoft access table?
dear all i am kumara now current working in electrical designing of control and relay panel i want learn some substaion design then any book are available. pls mention name and authour
Is keyword pl sql?
Explain how you can use different dimension tools in CAD? What are the different dimensions available?
What is the default size of load factor in hashing based collection?
What is the default kill signal?
Understanding python super() with __init__() methods?
Why You Want To Enter In Banking Industry?
List some bundled validators?
Explain the difference between the registerwellknownservicetype(), registerwellknownclienttype(), registeractivatedservicetype() and registeractivatedclienttype() in .net?
Could Anybody Please tell me What is the script for Find 3rd Largest element in the Array without using a SORT function int Find(int arr[], int size); Thanks in Advance..
Is method and function same?
What is the point of polymorphism java?
What is pointer to array in c++?
What is the use of ctrl q?