what is the difference between lexical ooperators,logical operators?which one is mainly used in filter,broker?why?
2 14531Post New iGate WebMethods Interview Questions
What sql does db2 use?
how many types of practice accounts?
how to search second maximum(second highest) salary value(integer)from table employee (field salary)in the manner so that mysql gets less load?
What is the difference between the getrequestdispatcher(string path) method of javax.servlet.servletrequest interface and javax.servlet.servletcontext interface?
What control mechanisms might be most appropriate to ensure that action plans match targeted needs?
What are the different commands used to startup and shutdown Hadoop daemons?
Explain Communication Between Parent and Child Processes?
Differentiate between reusable transformation and mapplet.
What is different between secondary electron image and back scattered electron image?
What are the difference between tag & category in wordpress?
What are the types of hashed files in data stage
What is awb?
Tell me something that is not already in your resume.
Gamma hydroxybutyrate no of tables we are able to take part tableau?
What is contract?