Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance between the two trains is 18km. A shuttle flies between the trains at the speed of 80 km/hr. At the time the two trains crashes what is the distance traveled by shuttle?
4 11194What is the ten letter city 7 8 9 is a famous festival 3 4 5 is a degree 2 1 is a abbreviation of group of countries 7 6 gives the meaning?
11 19963Post New iGate Puzzles Interview Questions
What is excel?
Maximizing Lambda Phage Growth really Inhibits Lysogeny?
How do I center a div in a div?
Is synchronized thread safe?
What are the differences between Real Time Operating System (RTOS) and General Purpose Operating Systems (GPOS)?
Why we are using DPT(Differential Pressure Transmitter) in separator instead of level trasmitter?
What is kafka in hadoop?
Explain the role of global.asax?
What is acm bit where it is found?
What are the components required to manage oracle real application clusters database?
Explain why transgenics are considered a threat to the environmental safety?
What is taskhostw exe keyroaming?
explain detail about ftp in datastage?
Explain a path in unix.
what is meant by object lock requests,held locks and locks waiting to be applied(wrkobjlck) why should we apply for locks.Please explain sir.