Can you build web apps with python?
Explain the reduction of the activation energy of chemical reactions?
What features are available with each windows 7 edition?
How many planets are now in the solar system?
What is the purpose of ram in a computer?
What is the meaning of “dirty read” in the database?
what is designing step of heat exchanger
What are the technics follow in writing VB script?
What is mainframe testing?
While sending idoc from receiver side I got msg type 3 and 12.but in receiver side while executing we02, I am gettig the error no idocs selected instead of getting msg type 53.i am simply sending a material from one client to another client?
What are difference between sql server and nosql database?
Why would you be absent at work, except for natural calamities?
What is admin panel in app?
Say you have done a lot of Personalization’s to Self Service Screens. But all these Personalization’s were done in DEVELOPMENT environment. How will you migrate these personalization’s to PRODUCTION environment?
What is rack-aware replica placement policy?