There are 21 people in a room. They have to form groups of 3 people each. How many combinations are possible? Write a C program to print the same.
1 4712Write a C++ program without using any loop (if, for, while etc) to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 and 100 to 1 (Do not use 200 print statements!!!)
3465How to refund for a customer who returns goods and wants a refund for $600 in R12 In above scenarios customer does not want Credit Memo or On- Account Credit, he wants refund check . and as we know we do not issue check from AR. How can we issue Check from AP and how offsetting is done for the same in R12
1 6900How to check CPU usage in EP? If java path is down the how to do trouble shoot? What is the transport group? What is the SLD system in PI? How to take back up in EP? How to create logical system? Is it possible to change the name logical system in SSC4? How you will take the online Backup and incremental Backup? What is the backup strategy? How many application servers you have in Production System? Difference between oracle 9i and oracle 10g? What is EHP4? What is your enhancement package and support package? how to find RAM size on Unix? How to find OS level at command Prompt? While doing kernel upgrade what is exe files? What is client comparison? How to apply job on Os level? What are the recent challenges faced? How to apply support package in solution manager? Difference between SPDD/SPAU If SAP* is not working ? If job is slow? how you will trouble shoot? What are software files required for SAP 4.7?
2895For update of a row in cursors, when do we move value into host variable in cobol progrm? is it before open or before fetch ?
2 7632How can you schedule a report based on different time zone ?(ex: local time should be same as 10 am . Japan should get the report at 10 am. USA should get the report at 10 am).Is that possible?
1 8507Post New iGate Interview Questions
Explain the term sap fico?
What is the shortcut to duplicate a voucher and to add a voucher in Tally ERP 9?
What is the best code you can write to swap two numbers?
Name primitive java types.
What is the language of visual studio?
Is there any way to skip finally block of exception even if some exception occurs in the exception block?
Who discovered excel?
Single line diagram for dbb (double bus bar)system.
Which is better nhibernate or entity framework?
What are interrupts in arduino?
What is difference between line feed ( ) and carriage return ( )?
Is mongodb a graph database?
When an item is being worked, it is locked so no-one else can work it in blue prism. Is it true or false?
What are the various components of sap hana administration? : hana administration