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iGate Interview Questions
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What are advantages of C++ when comparing with C?

18 28854

May i know high priority&low seviarity,high seviarity&low priority

13 24490

hi Here ive question on Reportnet when we save a report in reportstudio with what ext it save

6 15899

what is qtp automation frame work,what is the use of that frame work?

64 175245

What is the smallest package in Java API?

5 14027

What is the difference between doGet and doPost?

9 31358

How many fields(max) can be there in a transparent table?

2 8841

1/(10 power 18) - 1/(10 power 20) = ?

7 24609

What is 77 level used for ?

12 63061

What are the two search techniques ?

2 9441

what is lis ,lo and difference between them ?

3 21543

What is a router?

21 22071

What is meant by "Early Binding" and "Late Binding"? Which is better?

1 10924

What is the major problems you resolved during your testing process?


I-GATE PLACEMENT PAPERS ---------placement paper -1

3 16107

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iGate Interview Questions

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Write Code for DataSet,Datareader,and by deleting the button gridview should be empty?


Explain the importance of bayes theorem?


Can we control the sequence in which multiple implementations of a multiple use BADI are called? If yes, how?


Are threads independent?


Describe when would you practice joins vs. Blending in tableau?


Explain the concept of hashtables?


What happens when converting big values to numeric data types?


Can you create a deadlock condition on a servlet?


What is generic and non generic collections in c#?


How to make a entry in tally for Land & Building Purchased for RS.1,65,00,000/-(Total Consideration)Paid Installment wise as 30 lakh,10 lakh,20 lakh & 1,30,87,500


State the difference between ultimate and proximate analysis of coal ?


how to determine the service pack currently installed on sql server? : Sql server database administration


What are the types of testing is done for sap?


List out the test types that are supported by selenium?


how to calculate the material from ratio of work PCC, RRM,POINTING, RCC