HI friends, Iam planning to take up Advanced level Istqb certification in fuctional tester.Will u please guide me to which materials i have to refer/is there is any book where most of the syallabi of Advanced level -Functioanl tester will cover
1 4245After using delete statement in sql query to delete some records...to retrieve the deleted records we can get using rollback command but till that where it stores means particular location name i need....(after deleting and rollback )
3 11894Please let me know how we can implement the below scenario. In a single mapping,more than 500 sources (legacy,VSAM,relational) will be loading into only one target. Whenever I retreive the data(any record) from target, i need to find the details that the record belongs to which source. Thanks in advance..
5 10624Please let me know how to do estimation before staring development in project. Here estimation in the sense how many associates are required, etc to complete the project.
1 6343in the CURSOR declare statement, if i am using an where clause and trying to compare the value with a host-varialble. EXEC SQL DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR SELECT DEPTNO, DEPTNAME, MGRNO FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE ADMRDEPT = :ADM-DEPT Where would i need to provide value to this host-variable in the where clause. how could i pass value to this host-variable to check it.
2 7916how to swap all the values without using temporary variable. tha values r a = 20, x=60 and p=2.
5 7729I have a JCL with 10 steps, want to execute first 5 steps only, what are ways of doing it?is it possible to control through JOB card?
10 34796I have a JCL with 10 steps, want to execute first 5 steps only, what are ways of doing it?is it possible to control through JOB card?
5 116251)i put Pharma Project in my Resume..whar are the sources used in my project Generally? 2)how many fact and dimensional tables used? 3)Have u used any Datamarts and measues in fact table? ....plz give the answers...
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what purpose to use excaiter in DG.?
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Define about page-set-messages method?
Can we delete data from a view?
Tell me what happens to company's “cash account” if it borrows money from the bank by signing a note payable?
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