I have two different condition type pr01 and pr00.For pr01 I gave 50 rs and pr00 I gave 100 rs and discount. How u maintain these condtion type and how system will take the price between these two condition types.
5 13521While doing back order process can we block the sales order if material was not there. what is the procedure.
8 11343write aprogram for There is a mobile keypad with numbers 0-9 and alphabets on it. take input of 7 keys and then form a word from the alphabets present on those keys.
1 9576can alternate index use in ESDS since it does not contain primary index? if yes can you explain?
2 6468how to retrieve particular field records from a physical file,say i have a physical file called 'employee' in it i have to retrieve the records of a field 'admin' present in pf 'employee' using rpg,but i should not use logical file or openquery file.
3 8629Thanks gagan for your answer,i'm new to as400,i don't know embedded sql in rpg.can you send me the coding for the below mentioned question in embedded sql rpg. how to retrieve particular field records from a physical file,say i have a physical file called 'employee' in it i have to retrieve the records of a field 'admin' present in pf 'employee' using rpg,but i should not use logical file or openquery file.
2 5653what procedure should we use to find whether the following operations are successful or not setll setgt chain read reade readp pls tell with example i'm not lazy to read the manual or not lazy to do anything.but sometimes i cannot understand the things given in manual in high level english its little bit complicated for me,i can't understand their way of writing thats why i ask these questions here and find the solution in simple words that i can understand thats the real reason sir.sorry if i had hurt you or disturbed you.please understand my situation.
5 7011thanks mr.Harshad R Suryawaunshi,i'm new to as400 i think you are telling in rpgile i know only rpg400 if possible can you tell in rpg400
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