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Questions / { ajith }
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I am creating a credit note with Invoice reference , The below error is coming . Message no. V1212 No pricing procedure could be determined while creating Credit note with Invoice reference System should copy the price from the Invoice why it is throwing an error .I have checked my copy controls .Everything is fine .Kindly help me out.

3 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 6552

Answers / { ajith }

Question { Patni, 18688 }

Why does the customer master have different views?


Lets say a client may have three company codes.The same customer may purchase material from all the three company.As we all know a same customer can be extended to different sales areas.To differentiate the customer details,reconcilliation account,payment terms,Inco terms we need different views in the customer master.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

Question { Patni, 12412 }

What are the different partner functions can a customer
master record serve?



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Question { 15585 }

Is it possible to assign a material to more than one


You cant assign.A division is a grouping of material.How can you assign a single material to more than one division.
Lets say TV belongs to one division and Fridge belongs to other.How can you sell the TV with fridge division.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 13197 }

I want to give discount on a particular item, if a specific
item is purchased. i.e., for ex: if a TV set was purchased,
and a DVD player also purchased by the customer, i want to
give disount on the DVD player. How to set the price
condition for this scenario.


You can do it by using condition suppliment.In condition suppliment ,if we enter a perticular condition type the suppliment discounts condition type comes automatically.
Lets say, if the perticular condition type comes the associated discounts condition type also will appear automatically.

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Question { Deloitte, 82741 }

What is Replenishment lead time?


Its the time taken to produce the material or for the external procurement.

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Question { 21677 }

How to merge two different outbound delivery nos. for same
customer in VL02N?


Go to VL02N - Click Out bound Delivery - Collective Processing - Delivery Creation

System will ask Do you want to switch subsequent functions? in dialog box , Press yes It will take you to Delivery due list (VL10 ) .
You can search the sales order according to your customer by giving your customer number in partners tab.

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Question { Cap Gemini, 4790 }

Tell me the basis / logic behind forming different Sales
Organizations? Please provide answer to this question asap..
I am waiting for your reply eagerly. Expecting quick
response from your end. Thanks in advance..


It is based on client business process.
Sales organization is an organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions. It is also responsible for business daily operations as well as legal obligations also.

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Question { 7452 }

When we create an order with reference to quotation or contact
(mainly) the quantity should not be changed in sales order. so
i would like to know how to do these setting if i want to
control these ??


The question says , the quantity is taken by reference .To control the quantity in the referencing document the below should be mandatory .

1.In item category select Completion Rule C - Item is completed after the target quantity is fully referenced

2 . In copy control VTAA ,In header check the complete reference . It indicates whether the system copies the source document completely.Later, if you try to change an order quantity or to delete an item, the system sends a message.

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Question { 6953 }

Sales order is created 1st june for 200 tooth pastes 100
brushes free of goods (2+1 free goods). At the time of
delivery on 15th june you have shortage of brushes by 30,
offer closed on 15th june. How do you solve in this scenario??


It depends on the company how they r practising

1 . Take the permissin from the customer and from the respective head in your company and extend the validity of the free goods for the customer and material in VBN2 for the next availability of that material.Bill the same when you procure or production of the material .

2. You can bill as per the sales order and take the permission from the customer for the rest of the brushes for later delivery . Though its not systematic . first customer should agree to this and next we have to take care how to send the rest of the brushes to customer bcz there will be no proper invoice because you have already raised it , you have to send it through manual billing with zero value for that you should be having sales tax people's permission.

3 . You can procure the rest of the brushes from the external vendor and deliver it to the customer on the same day or with permission of customer on someother day.If the material can be procured on the same day you can invoice the customer on november 15th itself.Else you have to take the permission from the customer for the delivery of brushes left on someother day .

4 . You can go for the production of the brushes. Lets say it takes 7 days to produce it . You can send the available material to customer on 15th november with proforma invoice and rest with after 7 days with someother order with manual billing and same can be accounted in the system with proper PGI and invoice.But the sale will get counted for november 22nd.Else if period is open you can do back dated PGI and invoicing .

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Question { 15919 }

What is the function of NRAB condition type in free goods


NRAB is condition type used in inclusive free goods , below are the few points about NRAB

1.In free goods master data maintenance, this type is dealt with in the same way as the inclusive free goods procedure.

2.In order processing, creation of subitems is not allowed.

3.In delivery processing, no further action is required.

4.For pricing in the main item, you need to create a discount. The standard system provides pricing procedure RVAA01 and condition type NRAB

5.The free goods quantity is shown in printouts (e.g. for order confirmations or invoices).

6.The free goods quantity can not be used in the Profitability Analysis or for statistical purposes.

7.The billing document does not create separate items. If you require this, you must use the procedure for inclusive free goods with item generation.

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Question { CMS, 12885 }

What is accounting entry when we create invoice (vf01).


Customer Receivable Account- Debit
Revenue (Sales) Account- Credit
Excise Duty Payable - Credit
Tax (Output Tax) Account-Credit

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Question { Satyam, 6518 }

My PR00 is 1000 now changed to Rs.2000.00 How system configure
in such a way that it will detect Rs.2,000.00 automatically


If you are talking about existing sales order it will not get affected .But if you select the PR00 condition type and press condition record it will show 2000 Rs only .But it will not affect the sales order untill and unless you update it.

For new sales order we need no to worry system will find the value from the existing condition record only, That is 2000 Rs .

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Question { Satyam, 7769 }

I have 20 different customers I want to use PR00 Rs.100 for
first 10 customers and Rs.20 for next 10 customers. How do u


maintain condition record including customer in the combination . maintain first customer's price as 100 in VK11 and rest 10 customer's price as 20 in VK11.

But if you want the price to be applied on sales order base , means for the first 10 sales order you need 100 Rs and for the rest 10 you need 20 , then you have to do condition update.It will suffice your need.

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Question { CMC, 6573 }

28. If we have three plants & one material, then how to
extend single material to all three plants?


Go to MM01 and give the material to be extended and in Copy from Tab give the material.
After entering you will get the screen , give the material to be exteneded to plant and other details in Oganisational level and in copy from tab give the material and existing organisation details.
Like this you can extend it to other plans also .

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Question { Infosys, 8483 }

10. What are the steps for end user training in sap SD


It depends on the company what their users have authorized for what. In our company sales order creation will handled by one team , delivery , transfer order handled by logistic team and invoice by other .
Basically end user training includes the whole sales cycle


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