what is meant by vector group of a transformer?
How can it be derived?
What is mean by discrimination of circuit breaker ?
how do we know the LT or HT panel trip by some broblem which indication willshow
Can anybody tell me the Electrical IS rules website?
directional relay is typically used to respond in fault condition who it can be used just as reverse power protection which purely senes direction reversal to operate a circuit breaker?
Why more sound is produced in mixer than grinder
What should be the earthing resistance of an industrial substation and also What should be the house hold earthing resistance?
20 Answers Jindal, Pharma, TAAT, TATA,
Why air circuit breaker off due to power failure?
defination of lines
why the transformer neutral give to the earth ?
sir, plz tell me how much kvar capacitor required for 1000 amp or 500 Kw load ? what is the formula ?
How does and Earth Fault Relay operates in DG set control panel?
1 Answers Cummins, University,
6.6Kv feeder feeding tow step down transformers-415V-,what the possible consideration for parrellel operation?