Which types of following motors are most efficient?
Hi,, Just I want ask, if the power factor decrease what happen in voltage regulation? Thanks..
I am having a 42KW 3 phase electrical heating furnace, heating element is 80/20 nichrome material, my connections is made in such a way that 2 star connection compromising 2 coils per phase so totally 12 coils, shall if i use it unbalanced star condition (instead of 2 group of 3 phase or 1 group of 3 phase, connecting 4 phases of 5 phases) what will be the consequences and is it acceptable?
why distribution transformer is uesd in Delta/Star formation?is there any significance in doing this?If yes then breif?
What is the purpose of SSVW, IOVW, DVDF Tests in transformer? Those who are answering, pls send mail ids also.
what are the reasons of low voltage during start the DG?
Differentiate between ideal and non ideal current sources?
What is the allowalable frequency variation in India and in US? Why there is the difference?
what happens if generator is running leading power facotor?
hi Is there any possibilities to find out the rotation of a shaft or something else by using electromagnectic waves or by IR rays.If s then can v change the dir., of rotation of the same by remotely?& how? plz dn't any1 say "NO r CAN'T"
what is AVR in alternator how its work?
if the back emf eqution for dc motor EB=(QPNZ/60A) THEN what is the value of A for PMDC MOTOR OR how can dicide the value of "A"
what is PI value and its significance for insulation testing?