Can any when tell me the scenarios of MDM with ABAp?am
wotking on ABAP and my company is going to assign MDM
project to me? what are the roles and responsibleities of
MDM consultant as an ABAPer??ASAP
Do you know what is dispatcher?
List the different type of variables?
what is the difference between trans code mk01 & mm01 ?
Mention what are the different types of variables?
Explain about SAP OOPS ABAP module?
How many sap sessions can you work on at a given time?
What is wf?
Name the different types of infocubes.
What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?
what is repartitioning and why we are doing it in sap bi/bw
Explain what should be the approach for writing a bdc program?
What is bdc stand for?