How many sap sessions can you work on at a given time?
What are the sap upgrade options available and what are the recommendations to the present customers?
Explain me how many sap sessions can you work on at a given time?
In event management,for shipment Business process type if we are not able to get reported dates of pick end date,pick start date,loading start date,end date... and we can only see planned dates as in shipment document,where to check for configuration.please let me know...
Explain what is extended star schema?
Internal table events.
Tell us what are the standard stages of the sap payment run?
Tell us what the .sca files and mention their importance?
MOdules in TSW
Why do you want to do SAP?
Tell us what are set parameters and get parameters?
Explain about SAP Hybris module?
Do you know what are variables?