In a Dyn11 transformer, how are the 3 windings of the delta
connected? Assume that R1-R2, Y1-Y2, B1-B2 are the 3
windings on the HV side.
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the delta connection will be at 11'o clock position vector
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In a Dyn11 transformer,Hv windings in delta conection and
LV in star only as the vector symbol represents in first
and second letters. numeral 11 indicates that when we super
impose the secondary voltage vector on to the primary one
secondary voltage vector leads the primary vector by 30
degrees.when we superimpose and make a study on delta side
imagine the neutral.
By connecting R1-Y2,Y1-B2,B1-Y2 and taking R1, Y1 and B1 to
terminals DYn11 will be achived. The same transfomer can be
changed to Dyn1 by interchanging the connections in delta.
i.e, R2-Y1;Y2-B1;C2-R1.
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Answer / amit biswas
DYn11 means a step up tr. where pr. side is delta connected
and sec side is star connected."n" stands for neutral which
means a netral is taken from the star point of the sec. wdg.
11 means sec is leading the the pr. by 30 deg.
using neutral is essential for zero seq. protection
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