why celing fan is running in anti clock wise and table fan
is running in clock wised?
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Answer / bijay kumar pandey
This is mainly because of the diversity in their working principles. Every fan needs a motor that allows rotational motion.
Taking into consideration the structure of a motor, there are two major parts - The motor itself and the armature. Out of these two parts, one part is always stationary while the other moves around it's axis allowing rotation of any object that is attached to it.
Ceiling fans have a stationary armature and the motor moves in the counter-clockwise direction. Since the blades of the fan are attached to the motor, the ceiling fan rotates in an anti-clockwise direction.
It is exactly the opposite for a table fan. The motor is stationary and the armature moves to give motion to the fan blades. Because of Newton's 3
law of motion that states - "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.", the stationary motor gives the armature a push in the opposite direction. This causes the blades of the table fan that are attached to the armature, to move in the clockwise direction.
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Ceiling fan is made to run anticlockwise when it is used for ' cooling- air' purpose .
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