what is the working of air compressor.
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Answer / shri.sutar
Air compressor is a mechanical device it used for
compressing the air
This device used in various applications like vehicle,
train, and aero plains
For controlling over motion (breaks) it is also used for
rotating drills
This has a many applications in mechanical.
There are three types of compressor.
a) Scroll type compressor.
b) Piston type compressor.
c) Centrifugal type compressor
How it’s working?
Piston type compressor.
It’s working principal similar as compare to diesel engine.
Piston it is connected to crank shaft through connecting
rod over the piston
Over the piston, piston rings are placed the piston is
reciprocating in the liner
There is two valves first one inlet valve second one is
outlet valve. When crank
Shaft rotates clockwise direction piston moves down towards
At the same time inlet valve will be open and air will be
But outlet valve remain closed this will happen in half
In next half rotation inlet valve will be closed &outlet
valve will be
Open at the same time piston will move towards valve When
piston moving
Towards valve air will compress and compressed air will
Pass out through outlet valve this compressed air stored in
a cylinder through this
Cylinder compressed air we can use for required application.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 85 Yes | 21 No |
Answer / james
The working and principle of all types of compressors are
given in detail...goto
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / amit.
Compressor means to compressor the atmospheric air to a
higher/required pressure.
the working principle of a compressor can vary according to
the application for which it can be used.
for e.g the compressor is used for bottle filling plants,in
the hospitals for supplying the O2,if it is a gas
compressor it can be used for CNG application,etc.
Compressor can be measured in terms of flow such as Sm3/hr
The reciprocating Compressor mainly consists of
Each material/part has its own function
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / u.chandarasekar
that question is i am very much hate if i know this answer
defenatly i continue my job in best&crompton and Enmass
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / swathy nabeel
It is a mechanical device which helps us to compressing the air where we required.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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