if someone lock standard user such as sap* and ddic in
client 800? and client 000 is working fine so how can i log
in client 800?
is there any other standard user with standard password?
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Answer / mallick
if some one has locked user sap* and ddic then do you have
any other user with sufficient authorization who can unlock
these users. with that user in tcode su01 unlock sap* & DDIC.
if you want to make it through sql level then user update
command rather than delete.
SQL> update sapsr3.usr02 where mandt='800'and bname='SAP*';
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Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed
Client 800 is the copy of client 000 and client 000 is the
place where SAP Application Server is installed and client
800 is the replica of client 000.So one can login to client
000 and make changes to client 800 by making use of
TCode "SU01" from where one can unlock user SAP* and
DDIC.BY default SAP* and DDIC has a unique
password "19920607" and "07061992" as SAP R3 Application is
introduced in the year 1992.
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