Pls say , how we calculate lux / sq.ft, which formula used
for calculation
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Answer / krishna pathak
To Calculate the no. of fittings in a room,
the formula is
N=No. of Light fittings required= A x E/(Lxuxd.f)
.'. E= N x (Lxuxd.f)/A
where L=> Lumen o/p
A=> Area (m^2)
E=> Illumination or Lux levels (in lux)
u=> coefficient of utilization
d.f=> Depreciation Factor
For Detail study refer Philips,G.E(lighting)& Artlite
Is This Answer Correct ? | 24 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / aarya
To Calculate the no. of fittings in a room,
the formula is
N=No. of Light fittings required= A x E/(Lxuxd.f)
.'. E= N x (Lxuxd.f)/A
where L=> Lumen o/p
A=> Area (m^2)
E=> Illumination or Lux levels (in lux)
u=> coefficient of utilization
d.f=> Depreciation Factor
For Detail study refer Philips,G.E(lighting)& Artlite
Is This Answer Correct ? | 18 Yes | 5 No |
Lux = Lumens/sq.ft.
for one are the formula will be -
Area in sq. mtrs X Required Lux
No. of fixtures = -------------------------------
Lumens O/p of fixture X U.F X D.F
Uday Kulkarni
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / chandrakant zingade
Per Sq.ft Lux = 1 x Total Lux / Total area in Sq.ft.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 5 No |
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