What is the maximum number of swithes that can be connected
in series up to down stream point in an LV Distribution
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Can anyone explain about Control and power circuits of star delta starter & DOL starter ? How it works? please!
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The capacity of the transformer is 20/25 MVA, Ratio is 132/11 KV, Vactor group YNyno. and impedance is 10.07%. As per the calculation the secondary current is 1312.2Amps. The maximum fault current the transformer should sustain is 13.030KA. How many times the transformer should sustain the maximum short circuit current of 13.030KA over a period up 1 Year. The transformer is repaired one & 10 Years old.
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Spacing of Transformers ratings are 10kva,15kva,25kva,63kva,110kva,150kva .........so on Q) Why transformer are not manufactured having ratings in between or other than these standard ratings ?
The neutral&earth voltage is 0v.But we were connected the lighting load at the time ballast was failed.why?
if there are six generators (3 gas CATT, one Jenbacher o1 MW each, and two nos Diesel 01 no 01 mw other 0.65mw EDGs ( say), 3 CAtt gas set have identical pole pitch,01mw EDG and Jenbacher gas Set have different pole pitch, how their power connection can be done to connect a common bus bar during installation. in short, how different pole pitched generators power connection can be done to connect a common busbar system through generators incomer ACBs.