what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / m

Tailing Factor: is shows u r Tailing of peak eqation is T =

Assaymetry : is shows u r symmetry of peak equation is As =
ab/bc means fornting/tailing

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / saji

A factor describing the shape of a chromatographic peak.
Theory assumes a Gaussian shape peak that is symmetrical.
The peak asymmetry factor is the ratio (at 10 percent of
the peak height) of the distance between the peak apex and
the back side of the chromatographic curve to the distance
between the peak apex and the front side of the
chromatographic curve. A value >1 is a tailing peak, while
a value <1 is a fronting peak.
A peak with an asymmetrical factor of >1. An asymmetrical
peak is the result of a component that is excessively
retarded in eluting. Tailing is caused by sites on the
packing that have a stronger than normal retention for the
solute. A typical example of a tailing phenomenon is the
strong adsorption of amines on the residual silanol groups
of a low coverage reversed-phase packing.

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / anuj grewal

Tailing Factor is same the symmetry factor and calculate by the formula

T= W/2A

W- width of peak at 5%
A- distance of front edge from center at 5%

Asymmetry is the unsimilarity of peak and calculate by the formula

As = BC/AB

BC- Distance of back edge from center at 10% height
AB- Distance of front edge from center at 10% height.

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / ichinnakamisetti

asymmetry factor=1
If asymmetry factor greater than one then that peak is Tailing
If asymmetry factor less than one then that peak is fronting

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / pankaj deshmukh

The tailing factor is determined by drawing a perpendicular line from the peak centre to the baseline of the peak. Then the peak width and the front half-width are measured for the peak at 5% of the height of the peak. The tailing factor is simply the entire peak width divided by twice the front half-width while asymmetry factor  measured at 10% of the peak height. The asymmetry factor is determined by dividing the back half-width by the front half-width

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / srj

Both are same but, Asymmetry is qualitative and tailing is qualitative as well as quantitative.
1) Asymmetry ( Peak is symmetric or asymmetric)
2) Tailing factor ( If asymmetry factor greater than one then that peak is Tailing, If asymmetry factor less than one then that peak is fronting)
In tailing factor u can tell ur peak is symmetric or not( if not the how much ur peak is not symmentic)

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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / a.s.r 123


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what is the difference between Tailing Factor & Asymmetry..

Answer / mee

difference is tat size and measurement

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