General Chemistry Interview Questions
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Why is it dangerous to have a coal fire burning with doors and windows closed ?

2 6178

Why does a diamond cut glass?

2 6007

Why is the sea water saline ?

9 17190

Why it is advised to boil water before drinking ?

1 4738

Why is the percentage of oxygen today the same as it was thousands years ago, even though the whole world inhals it?

1 4473

Why would we all suffocate, if all the green plants were killed ?

1 3816

Why are substances like caustic soda and calcium chloride called hygroscopic substances ?

2 5325

Why is sodium preserved in kerosene oil ?

3 15441

Why is a newly made quit warmer than an old one ?

1 3766

What causes smoke to curl up into the air ?

1 4877

Why does a dog hang out his tongue, when it is hot ?

2 5237

Why dies thermos flask keep a hot liquid hot and a cold liquid cold ?

College School Exams Tests,

1 4067

Why does oil thrown on rough sea make it calmer ?

1 3837

Why is heat more oppressive on a damp hot day ?

1 3403

Why is dew formed more readily on clear nights than on cloudy ones ?

1 4410

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Un-Answered Questions { General Chemistry }

What is edta?


What is titration?


Why is estimation of copper done at 620 nm wave length?


what is the indicator used?


What is density of a liquid?


which gas is used in preaparation of bit salt


why do hard water never produce foam when a soap is dissolved?


What is the white precipitate produced at the end of point?


Mention a few application of cod test in environmental engineering practice.


4.0 liters of oxygen are mixed with 8.0 liters of nitrogen. Identify the solute and solvent in this mixture:


What are the electrodes used in the measurement of ph for the determination of pka?


Why is disodium salt of edta preferred to edta?


Why ph scale range is 14? Why it is not less or not greater than 14?


Define Vulcanization?


what is the relation between Total organic carbon and Chemical Oxygen demand?