what is the speed of current?
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Answer / senthil nathan
speed of current depends upon choice of material which is
used for electricity,potential difference exists and
resistivity of the material.
These factors fixing the speed of the current.
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Answer / sunil
all above answers are wrong.......
the speed of current is the speed of electrons moving in a
conductor....which is the well known DRIFT VELOCITY.....its
magnitude is very less as compared to speed of light....
friends,actually it is the electric field which propagates
with the speed of light in space.........
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / bym
The speed of electrons as they travel down a copper wire is
measured in millimeters/sec. This speed changes as the
voltage, amperage, wire material, and wire size change. This
is called the "drift velocity".
However, a signal will travel down a wire at slightly less
than the speed of light: ~2/3 light speed in a coaxial
cable. This is the propagation speed. The exact propagation
speed is different for different wire materials. Shielding
of the wire also changes propagation speed. The speed
further changes depending on heat & pressure, though in
general, we don't experience enough difference to notice.
Think of it as the difference between wind and sound. The
movement of the electrons is analogous to wind, which rarely
goes faster than 40 mph, and depends on pressure differences
(applied voltage). Where as the speed of the signal is
analogous to the speed of sound, which is ~700 mph,
depending on heat and pressure (state of the material).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / akarshan tiwari
The electron drift velocity is estimated to be very
slow.how there is current established almost the instant
the circuit is closed?
The information about bigining of the flow of current is
transmitted through the propogation of electromanetic waves
(electric impulse)and not with the drift velocity of the
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Answer / raja
THe speed of current is the velocity of flow of free electrons.
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Answer / sunil yadav
the speed of current is the rate of flow of electrons in a
conductor.. n that is the DRIFT VELOCITY... the speed of
current being equal to the speed of light is a pure
drift velocity=(mu)*E
mu= electron mobility; it's value depends on the type of
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Answer / imran yousuf zaregar
simple speed of current depends on voltage...... so, speed
of current varies with respect to voltage.
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Answer / dhiva
speed of current depends upon flow of electrons which will
consider load and size of conductorand resistance.
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Answer / birobrata deb
speed of the current depends upon the drift velocity of the
electron of that conductor through which the current is
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