I am new to testing, I need information about TSYS any
website or if you have information please mail it to me.
this is for online credit applications project.My mail id
is keerthanakoluvu@yahoo.com. Thanks for your help.
Wht is SQL injection?
what is the structure of test cases
From what phase of project, testing will starts, what tester will do at starting stage?
Any one send me sample question for multimedia testing with microsoft access database. I am having interview next week. Please post it or send me my personal e-mail. Thank You
wat is the 3 golden rules of gui testing
What are the object repositories for QTP????friends Plz help me in finding answer for the above....thanq
What is the diff between IE and netscape in a web testing on a login page.
Difference between build verification testing,smoke testing,sanity testing,regression testing,functional testing,,is there any relation between these testing types.Always i am facing the same question in the interviews so plz try to answer to my question...plzzzzzz thank u in advance.............
what types of testing you performed in transfer funds module....
What type of testing will be done in Installation testing or system testing?
What is the diff bet Message box and Dialog box,anybody can answer it.... Thanks in advance
What we normally check for in the Database Testing