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Virtusa Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 506078

What about Virtual Destructor?

1 6362

what is the difference between CMM and CMMI?

4 57266

Difference between delete and delete[]?

5 26323

What is Cursor?

2 4911

what is the use of declaring constructor as private?

5 13437

What are the OOPS concepts?

106 304998

Life cycle methods in stateless Session Beans?

3 7243

Do you have any questions for me?

7 17260

If the letters of the word ?rachit? are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a dictionary, what is the rank of the word ?rachit?. (a) 485 (b) 480 (c) 478 (d) 481

8 37775

What is a Test Plan and What it contains?

2 8123

What is Entry and Exit criteria for a Test Plan?

4 39145

Explain the V-Model?

5 36726

What parameters to consider for Performance Testing?

6 24865

Tell us about yourself.

47 117348

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Virtusa Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Where is layout in powerpoint?


What are static blocks in java ?


Is hadoop obsolete?


Why slew rate is not infinite in ideal op-amp?


When do we need to use the option “force 32 bit”?


What is #define size in c?


Can two ip addresses use same port?


How do you use the paint tool in powerpoint?


In cost controlling information system mention the fields that are listed in the list screen of the report?


how to carried out tan delta test in 11 KV alternator ?


what is the criteria for selecting fuse rating in 1phase, 2phase & 3phase welding sets?


What is the main function c++?


What is the importance of genetics?


Define weber number and its significance?


How to count all the lines of code in a directory and sub folder?