Test Cases Interview Questions
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Give me a sample test case for an online purchasing system?What testings u do for the same ?

Flipkart, NIIT, Polaris, SQTL, TCS,

8 85399

There is a web portal that has been tested and working properly. Now a new module called as the "online shopping module" had been added. Ther are two search pages , a normal search and an advanced search page. You are responsible for only these two modules for testing Questions 1) Write the scope for testing 2)High level test scenarios 3)Test case for one high level test scenario 4) Assumptions while writing the test case 5) Questions that u might need to ask as a QA to test the application NOTE- the requiremnts wont be given. One has to assume the requirements Please tell me how to test a search page and also please help me answer the above questions

Infosys, Zycus Infotech,

2 12459

Imagine that hotmail is the application taht ur going 2 test write 10 critical test case to test it ?

2 14136

Please can anybody tell me some good ideas to write test case for fan and test case for chair?


6 18752

write a test case for a pen and paper regarding writing.

HCL, Wipro,

11 36778

Write test case for a search engine?

Saba, Saba Software,

12 81308

Write a test case scenario for Web-based address book?


write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balance in online account


5 20826

How to execute test cases written in excelsheet???

TCS, Value Labs, VFS, Wipro,

8 31345

How will you review test cases?


26 50788

test case for coffee machine?


16 57771

can u tell me how do we writetestcases for perfomance,load,And stress?

IBM, Wipro,

2 10250

what will be the test case for Lift?

Mind Tree, Satyam, Tops Security Ltd,

22 108718

Test cases on uplaoding files


12 71917

when we should start writing test cases?

Thatavarti Technologies,

10 30358

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Un-Answered Questions { Test Cases }

How to write test cases on laptop???


What is the difference between test scenarios, test cases, and test script?


Write all test cases for Bus Pass Renewal


How to write the test scenarios for the following: 1. Searching train. 2. Data encryption and decryption. 3. Single signon. 4. Document printing. 5. Testing EMail. 6. Data authentication.


Explain the functional testing?


If there are 3 modules what would be test for that three modules but that 3 modules are not developed or what are the test case for that 3 modules


How to write test case for this scenario. The system shall allow for a wild card search for the first name with a minimum of one character.


Could you pls give me sites where i can test card? mail me to


Positive and Negative test cases for the speedometer?(minimum 5 each)


Explain the system testing?


Write a test case of login window?


how to write test case on gmail for TO field in compose page? only for the particular field.what will different type of user do with it like student,doctor?


how to write test cases for the example state name starts with A B C D E F G H I J K L Z


Explain the monkey testing?


Explain the dynamic testing?