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Crea Interview Questions
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what is the role of QA in all the phases of SDLC?

1 4415

what is performance testing?

2 3936

what is the difference between Test strategy and test plan?

1 4105

How do we find Effectiveness of Test Cases ?

1 3752

what is advantages and disadvantages of the Waterfall Model and V-Model ?

1 4053

Diff b/w test case and test script?

1 3998

How to test the functional specification?

1 3640

How load testing is different from regression testing?

2 4046

what is meant by Priority and Severity?

2 4783

What is Defect Leakage?What Gap Analysis? What are the functioanl requirements to test the Software? What is Latency bug?

1 8269

There are 100 test cases. And you got a bug at 85th test case. You reported it to dev. and dev. fixed that bug. when you are doing regression testing from which test case u'll do testing?? will start from 85 th test case are u'll execute 100 test cases?

2 5540

How will you link the Defect to the Test case? Explain Bug life cycle ?

1 4344

Please give me any example of High severity and Low priority type of bug ?

3 5030

Give the example for high severity high priority high severity low priority low severity high priority low severity low priority ?

1 4464

What is the outcome of integration testing?

1 3663

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Un-Answered Questions

What is drivermanagerdatasource in spring?


Can you call from an inherited constructor to a specific base constructor if both base class and an inheriting class has a number of overloaded constructors?


2. In a container filled with each of the following materials, at a porosity of 40%, determine the upward gradient required to cause the quick condition (a) Lead shot with a G = 13.75; (b) Fibre beads with G = 2.15; (c) Sand with a G = 2.32


What are css properties?


how make a bootable dick


Which class is the superclass for every class in java programming?


What is meant by const_cast?


What is dependency injection (di) in angular 2?


List the difference between the virtual method and the abstract method?


What is bootstrap caraousel?


why is personnel management is considered as one important aspect of present day management? give 5 reasons or factors.


What is mesh network


How to use sql statements in pl/sql?


What is the point of apache spark?


Differentiate between a constructor and a destructor in c++.