what are the stages in Testing life cycle?
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50 110203Post New Manual Testing Questions
What are the cases why parameterization is necessary when load testing the Web server and the database server?
Hi Friends, This is Chennamsubbaraidu.i Have 2+ Years Realtime Exp in Manual Testing.Am Looking to Shift From My Present Company.Please if u Have Any Openings in Your Company's, Please Let Me Know.Any Location Prefer.Thanks.
What are microsoft 6 rules?
Write UI Test case, Integration Test case, Functional Test case & Performance Test case for the File Menu for MS-Word?
What are the tasks of test closure activities in software testing?
hi what are the test cases for web application..i need these example..please..mail me at mina_ims@yahoo.com
hi, this is geetha, i have one doubt regarding the vulnerability testing. For sql injection testing is there any need for the tools to be installed. If it is what is tool and what is the method to test in sql injection testing. Plz Guide me
What is PBX Testing & What is Test coverage?
In Quality Center, If we can reuse a non reusable test script as template test, then what is the need of defining reusable test scripts? What additional functionality does Reusable test scripts add when compared to non reusable test scripts?
what is agile model and spiral maodel?pls explain with an example?
What is white box testing, and what are the various techniques?
What expected result should come when Enter any sql query like “Select * from hello;” without quotes and with quotes.
what is the difference between website and web based application ?
List out test deliverables?
What are the principles of software testing?