Shall we use the tables existing in the system for related
applications directly
(by directly selecting from the database in the pgm)
What is the common practice in industries regarding the
Can anybody help me??
Explain the disadvantages of different types of bdc's?
Explain the call transaction method? : abap bdc
Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button
Difference between sap script and report?
Prepare a Report for last month Last Date- First Date?
Why long time required to copy the file than delete the same file.
Which one is better joins or views and why?
What are the components in sap application server?
what are use of ok_code in bdc
what is a cluster directory in abap can we read a cluster directory
Explain the disadvantages of logical databases?
when does end-of-page stmnt triggers in reports.