how you create standardtext and how to transfer standard
text from one client to another?
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Answer / krishnaveni
The T-code for creation of standard text is SO10
there r two ways of transfering of standard text
By using standard program RSTXSCRP download/upload
By using standard program RSTXTRAN
first transfer to correction, transport request is assigned
to it.
go to T-code SE09 to transport that request.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 36 Yes | 5 No |
lets see it with an example -
i have defined a text -ZTEXT in client 100
now i want it to be copied to client 200
Goto to client 200
goto tcode so10
Utilities->Copy from client->
fill in text name =ZTEXT
text id =ST
source client = 100
target name = ZTEXT
and execute..
this will copy the text to client 200
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / indu
To create standard text in SAP script, there is an option
to insert standard text in the text element screen. click
on insert--->text--->standard and give the text name, text
id and language as input parameters and text object is
always "TEXT" for standard SAP script texts. this inserts
standard text in the script.
To transport standard text from one client to another, we
could probably use SCC1 transaction in the target client
and give the source client and tranport request for copying
(not sure about this).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / debahruti
Use program RSTXTCPY to Copy the text betwn clients.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sudip
The T-code for creation of standard text is SO10
the way of transfering of standard text
By using standard program RSTXSCRP download/upload
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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