Different types of ABAP memory ?
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How can I print logos in sapscripts?
how you create standardtext and how to transfer standard text from one client to another?
6 Answers Accenture, HDFC, Metalogic,
What is layout set? What is it used for?
SAP Script is client dependent. Smartform is client independent. What is the main defference between two?
if u create script.in that layout set u have main window. in that i want first line in english,next line to last iwant in german or other language
Explain the variable in sapscript
How to edit standard SAPSCRIPT called by standard program ?
I need to debug sapscript. What steps would you recommend should I take?
5. What are the difference between BADI and user Exit.
What is the use of itcsy structure?
I want to take the back up of my script layout into my hard disk to be loaded later. What should I do?
Can i Have Some Realtime Examples on Scripts ?