I have 8 years experience in Marketing field and just I
completed MBA(HR). Without loosing my Marketing field
experience how can in implement HR or otherwise how could
implement HR in Marketing field
what are the techniques for time keeping & time booking
what is the difference between patent rights and copy rights
Being the Human resource management how will you formulate an effective HRP Process
Why do you choose Hr field After doing Bsc. And Hospital Administration?
What is Pre and Post Recruitment?
what are ur weakpoints?
What should be the components of a fair policy with regard to collecting, maintaining, and disseminating information about employees?
What is compliance and what is the procedure of statutory compliance. Also can anybody send me the procedure for the same purpose. Thanks and Regards, HEERA KAMBOJ
What are the key issues that should be addressed in the design, conduct, and evaluation of training programs?
Tell abtur self and family
7 Answers Action Tesa, Bank Of America, BPO, Genpact, IBM, ICICI, TCS, Wipro, WNS,
what is change management? what strategies do organisations adopt to manage change?
What methods would you recommend for educating our employees regarding the company's sexual harassment policy?