Differentiate select and select single?
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Answer / lohith
Select statement can be executed without where clause
but,select single needs to have where clause and we need to
specify the full primary key.
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Answer / kumar.p
select statement which is used to read all the records from
the database.select single statement read the single record
from the database.
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What is the difference between free and refresh?
create a Report to print Stock & Valuated Stock for Plant (ALV Grid) Selection Screen Ranges: Material Number (MARA-MATNR) Material Type (MARA-MTART) Valuation Class (MBEW-BKLAS) Storage Location (MARD-LGORT) Parameter filed plant (MARD-WERKS) Selection condition: Total valuated stock – MBEW-LBKUM – should be greater than zero Table to be used MAKT,MARD,MBEW,MARA,T001L.. (Use inner joins) Display output: Storage location: (TOO1L-LGORT) Description (T001L-LGOBE) Material No (MARA-MATNR), Material Description (MAKT- MAKTX), Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), IF MBEW-VPRSV = 'S'. Price – MBEW-STPRS ELSEIF DTAB-VPRSV = 'V'. Price – MBEW-VERPR. ENDIF. Subtotal of Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), Grand Total of Total valuated stock (MBEW-LBKUM), Val of tot valuated stock (MBEW-SALK3), In the ALV grid display keep a button in the tool bar which on clicking navigates through the screen to the next grid which displays the grand total. Use SET PF_STATUS which is in the FM reuse_alv_grid_display to set the button.
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