what is the difference between switch and router??
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Answer / deepak
Switch are basically layer2 device and it works on Hardware
technology with map the mac addresses and it works with
switch table.
Router is known as layer3 device and works alos on hardware
technology and map the mac addresses. it basically connects
two different networks or netids to each other.it works with
routing table.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 153 Yes | 33 No |
Answer / m haja bahurudeen
1] Switch is separate collision domain. single broad cast
domain. this breakup collision domain.
Router breakup broadcast domain.
2] Switch hardware oriented. L2 devices. packet transferred
through mac address
Router Software oriented. L3 devices. packet transferred
through ip address
3] Switch connected between same network
Router connected between different network.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 118 Yes | 22 No |
Answer / robert
1.Switch are said to be l2 device only but Router are said
to be L3 device.
2.Switch is said to be H/W Device.Router are said to be S/W
3.Switch perform faster than the router because it is a H/W
Is This Answer Correct ? | 164 Yes | 90 No |
Answer / hitesh
1] Switch is singe broadcast and mutiple collision
device.i.e switch breack the collision domain
Router is mutliple collision and mutiple broadcast
domain..breakup broadcast domain.
2] Switch hardware oriented. L2 devices. packet transferred
through mac address..working at layer 2 of OSI model
Router Software oriented. L3 devices. packet transferred
through ip address..working at layer 3 of OSI model.
3] Switch extand the same network
Router connected between different network.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 52 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / sunny...
1)Router is a layer 3 device.
Switch is a layer 2 device.
2)Router more expensive then switch.
3)Router has its own IP adderess and general switch
has not its own IP adderess.
4)You must configure routing table to make it work.
Switch is usually ready to use.
5)Router is said to be software device.
Switch are said to be hardware device.
6)Router connected between different network.
Switch connected between same network
Is This Answer Correct ? | 48 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / naveenchatur7007@yahoo.co
switch is l2 router is l3
switch segment c.d. router segment b.d
works on frame (mac) works on packet (ip)
perform switching perform routing & switching
works on h/w asics (slow ) works on s/w(slow)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 42 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / robert
1.Switch are said to be l2 device only but Router are said
to be L3 device.
2.Switch is said to be H/W Device.Router are said to be S/W
3.Switch perform faster than the router in lan.
4.Switches used in LAN in small org.Router are used in WAN
5.We have l3 switches but it will not have all functions
like Router.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 56 Yes | 23 No |
Answer / sarath sasidharan
1)switch is considered to be an intellengent device because
there is rare chance of collsion
1)router is an important device because
it work in network layer third layer of the open system
interconnection layer
2)switch works on data link layer of the osi reference
layer,it works depond on mac address(media access control)
2)router is used to communicate two or
more different network
3)when a switch is connected to the host each time it send
a broadcast ip address and mac address
router is consider to be a software
4) but swich is considered to be a hardware device because
it uses a special chip call asic(application specific
integrated circuit)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 37 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / nandnu
Router --- Layer 3.
Switch --- Layer 2 ,Layer 3.
Layer 3 device__router :-
performs packet switching, packet filtering,path selection.
It is used to interconnect logically separated networks and
keeps record of all connected networks with the help of
routing protocols.
Layer 3 Device_Switch :-
does not support as many routing protocols as router does,
NATing and WIC configuration is not possible,
Help for inter VLAN routing only.
Layer 2 switch :-
hardware base machanism,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / vasanthi
*Router is Layer-3 physical device, which is used to connect
multiple computers between two or more networks or subnets.
*Routers are used to connect computers between LAN and WAN.
*Switch is Layer-2 hard ware device, which is used to
connect multiple computers in LAN.
*Switches work only in LAN, we can not use in WAN, Where
routers do.
*Switches are faster than Routers in LAN.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 8 No |
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hi friends i have a problem.plz solve this. i am working some where and i have the number of swtitch.once my project manger says that we are going to exapnd our number of employ so plz attech an another switch.i asked to my jr network engineer that take a witch and implemnt on that n/w,as he implement the switch on that n/w.thats network get down, plz tell me what is the reason of that.
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