how will u extract sales doc. number of corresponding
billing doc. number with out using select query
How do you read files from the presentation server ? : abap bdc
For what purpose Chain Endchain statement is used?
What z the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?
if u define paragraph and character formats what will be overwriting which one
the control commands in the report program are atfirst,atnew,atlast,atend of and what is the difference between them
When a function module is activated syntax checking is performed automatically. State yes or no. : abap modularization
How can you find the field/data underlying a transaction?
What is the difference between ABAP and HR ABAP
I need some information regarding Vcentric Test pattern ? with questions.
0 Answers vCentric Technologies,
Types of updating in call tr?
Normally how many and what files get created when a transaction program is written?
hi,i worked mostly in core abap.know iam assigned to XI utility project.can u experts let me know what r the basic things i need to learn to work in XI utility project.i already searched in forum.thanks in advance.