wat is a source list?
Answer / sukanya.k
Source list is nothing but the list of vendors providing
rawmaterials or the goods required for the cmanufacturing
there will be n no of vendors,cutomer will ask the
quotation and selects a better vendot from the source list
based on Quality and cost.
Source List is maintained for the combination of Material
and Vendor.
A source list specifies the possible sources of supply for
a material over a given period of time. It shows the time
period in which a material may be ordered from a given
vendor or under a certain long-term purchase agreement.
The source list supports the user in answering the
question: "Which vendors or internal suppliers can supply a
material at a given point in time?" It is also used in the
automatic selection of vendors for a material.
With source list, it is possible to block the procurement
of material from particular vendor.
source list can be genarated autonmatically while craeting
PO, Scheduling agreement, contract, quatation etc by going
to the menu and selecting environment and then mainatain
source list from there.
you can also generate automatically thru ME05,which will
consider all the existing docum,ents
Tcodes related to Sorce list
ME01 Maintain Source List
ME03 Display Source List
ME04 Changes to Source List
ME05 Generate Source List
ME06 Analyze Source List
ME07 Reorganize Source List
ME08 Send Source List
ME0M Source List for Material
Thank You,
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