While Transporting Smartform form Dev to Test to
Production, it is possible that Name of the Function Module
change, Why? In which case it changes and in which case it
remains same?
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Answer / amitesh jaiswal
Once you have activated the smartform, go to the environment
-> function module name. There you can get the name of
funtion module name.
The key thing is the program that calls it. for instance,
the invoice SMARTFORM LB_BIL_INVOICE is ran by the program
This program uses another FM to determine the name of the FM
to use itself. The key thing is that when it calls this FM
(using a variable to store the actual name), that the
parameters match the paramters in your smartform.
Another thing to note is that the FM name will change
wherever the SF is transported to.
So you need to use the FM to determine the name of the SF.
Here is the code that can be use to determine the internal
name of the function module:
if sf_label(1) <> '/'. " need to resolve by name
move sf_label to externalname.
formname = externalname
fm_name = internalname
no_form = 1
no_function_module = 2
others = 3.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message 'e427'.
move internalname to sf_label.
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Answer / nitin gautam
See, Whenever we transport SF from one server to another, the Function module no chages, because every time , a new FM NO will be generated while activating smartform on different servers...
Please, correct me or suggest me some more points.. to it..
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