how to see the tables of 200 in client 100?
Does the external program run in the same sap luw as the caller, or in a separate one?
How do you read the data from clusters
why Transaction Varient needed?
What are the advantages of logical databases : abap hr
What are the tables using in diff modules like SD, PM, MM, QM AND FICO? give me some example names ? Do we need to use the existing tables in R/3 most of the time?
What is Macro
there is size categery(0,1,2,3)if i need more space after giving the size 0.what i have to do now?
What application areas are you comfortable in?
What is the disadvantage of using exec sql statement in abap?
How to get the spool number in smartforms?
How do you send the output of a script as an email attachment
which method u r perfer to upload flat file data into sap system