Reinforcement details at hinged joint
during earth quake base shear force=a/w*g Comment?
which Indian standerd code is used for billing
4 Answers Desai Construction, DLF, NKG Infrastructure,
How to determine thee cut length for steel reinforcement bars in R.C.C design
which grade of steel is better for construction of building under earthquake zones ? why?
how much cement is required for 100 sft plastering of ratio 1:4
6 Answers Confident Group, L&T, M N Creations,
1) what is the use of pin and plate vibrators during slab casting? 2) how much cement bags are required for 1sqm 4inch brick wall? 3) Is it viable to provide overlap at column , beam & slab junction. if no why? 4) if bar dia is changing in column reinforcement , which dia bars overlap is considered? 5) what is isolated and ecentric footing?
How do we determine the specific gravity of a cement?
Sir please Bhel Enigineer trainy test papaers in civil engineering
for 16mm thick cement plastring 1:6 on 100 Sq.m.New brick work,the quantity of cement required is.
how much water you will add to the mix, for making 1 m3 of concrete to achieve strength of mix 20N/mm2 at 28 days.
what is difference of NP3 and NP4 pipe and what is the thickness of 1000mm dia NP4 pipe
57. Calculate the volume of a truck loaded with stone chips whose data are as follows– 5 Top Length - 13-9, 13-10, 13-09 Bottom Length - 13-11, 13-10.5, 13-10 Top width - 8-7.5, 8-8, 8-7 Bottom width - 8-7, 8-8, 8-7.5 Depth - 2-0, 1-11.5, 1-10, 1-11, 1 -10.5, 1-11.75, 1-11