how to Create a smart form related to gate pass to be
submitted to vendor’s location. This form outputs document
number, date, vendors name, address, material details,
quantity, unit,and the company logo.
A Program calls a Function module. what happens to the ABAP memory allocation used by the functional module when the functional module is completed?
hi friends, In smart form how can we convert the decimal to whole no. for ex. i have date like 5.456. now i want convert to whole no. after point value more then 5 means the no should come 6. below 5 means its come 5. any body can help me with code. its urgent. Thanks.
I am uploading 100 records out of which say 59th record has error so what will happen if I am using synchronous or asynchronous method of bdc? Can we update the database using local update mode how? : abap bdc
hi i have one requirement on smart forms.i have to print customer details and order details(Based on customer number) in two windows.I want to write total code in report it self.can any one please help me? Thanks in an advance Vijay
in bdc session method. if u run the record in fore ground manually i have a 7 records but at the time of record processing first record produces the error how can u process records manually in fore ground please tell me any one knows?
What is the use of the statement leave to list-processing?
Which transaction code can I use to analyze the performance of abap program?
Events that can be used in both the classical and interactive reports
What is the BAPI to retrieve data for list of customers and thier sales areas i.e., Customer No, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and Division. For all the customers.
GUYS any one please can u post questions in sap a bap webdynpro questions.. please i need to know some technical questions regarding webdynpro and ADOBE forms ?
hi this is naveenkumar.tell me plz. what is the difference between v4.7 and v4.6?
how do you supress blank spaces in sap scripts?