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Answer / georgefico
1. Reconciliation is a process of clearing/matching your
Dr/Cr entries against the Bank statement.
2. Customer and vendor accounts are sub ledger GL's. We
will have to create two reconciliation GLs in viz.
While creating customer and vendor master records, we have
to mention respective reconciliation GL in their company
code segment details. This recon a/c will show you the net
balances in GL for customer and vendor a/cs.
Without creating Vendor you can still create individual GL
for each customer and vendor , but then
1) Your list of GL's in chart of account will be very
2) Duplication of work as SD/ MM people are also required
to create their own list.
3) Cross company code consolidation will not be possible as
the chart of accounts will be different.
4) Very difficult to keep track of individual customer/
vendor a/cs.
5) Not advisable even in real time accounting system i.e.
manual book keeping.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / suvankar pal
1. Reconciliation account is to be created to merging the
sub ledgers into one ledger in SAP.
2. Generally we post customer & vendor account to
Reconciliation A/C. i.e. We create one Customer GL A/C and
One Vendor GL A/C and post all customer and vendor to the
respective A/C. We create customer and vendor sub ledger
and post all customer and vendor to those sub ledger. By
merging in the sub ledger it automatically posted to
Customer and vendor G/L Account and that is why in Balance
Sheet we can see total of Customer and vendor.
3. Yes, We can maintain customer and vendor master record
without reconciliation account but in that case customer and
vendor will not be merged and in Balance Sheet all customer
and vendor will come with name. Not only that we can not
consolidate cross company codes etc and it is not advisable
to do this.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / mayavi
Reconciliation a/cs( also called Control A/cs in pure
accounting) are the net figures for items such as Drs and
Crs of an organisation. since it would not be possible to
show the complete list of all vendors in the B/S, a recon
a/c is maintained for the purpose.
however, the main feature of a recon a/c is that the debits
MUST equal the credits in each entry, and so no mistakes in
entries are possible (at least mathematically).
Only if the organisation has a handful of suppliers and
customers is it advised that no recon a/c is opened.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / vkc
While posting data throw subledgers (like,
customer/vendor/asset master records, it should be
automaticlly updating in main GL A/c. That is the reason
sap is useing reconcialation.
Without reconcialatiion u can creat master record, but
cannot post any entry in subleger.
Procedure: Create GL a/c in fsoo, control data
reconcialation type has to be select.
when ur creating customer/vendor a/cgroup, field status
make it required entry.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / avsp. dhurga
here we have to tell one thing A/R and A/P are sub ledger
accounts to FI. So if we post any document in A/r or A/P
it will be effected to G/L with the connection of
reconciliation Account. we cant maintain vendor and
custoer master record with reconciliation account. For
Sundry Debtors we assing the customers against the
reconciliation account for account type and in the case of
Sundry Creditors we assign vendors against the
reconciliation account for account type. so it is
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / pavs
reconcilation account is the summary of subledgers. g/l is
the main ledger and vendor,customer,asset accounts are the
subledgers.it effects in gl master record and vendor
masterrecord and customer master record.no we cant maintain
customer and vendor master record without reconcilation
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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