SmartForm : how to print a smartform layout having one
portrait and one landscape?
What is the difference between Exit and Stop?
What are the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?
what is Application server?
How can you change the style of Logo or type of Logo?
IN Smart Form how many windows are there explain them each? Upto how many main windows we can place in Smartform?
can any one tell me the following question's answer 1. How can we create PUSH Botton in presentation layer. 2.How can we print the record. 3.If database has nor records & if we write 'for all entries' in select statement then what will be happen.
can please tell me the differences b/w bapi & bdc?
Can ‘where’ clause be used when updating database entries?
If A is the super class of B. And both the classes have constructor. We create an object of class B. Then which constructor will be called? If both then in which order?
How to find the return code of a statement in abap programs?
what are the events in Module pool Programming?
18 Answers HCL, Mahle, TCS, Wipro,
when we use subroutines and function modules