What are the routines and how u have created?
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Answer / manojkumarguin
Routines are nothing but only formulas which is created by
the ABAPER with the consolidation of a SD consultant .
And this routines u will attached in the pricing procedure
against the condition type specifically in the field of
requirement,altctype, and altcbv .
The purpose of all these three is different .
AS my knowledge in standard we have 46 requirement routines
,54 altcbv routines,and 135 altctype routines .
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Answer / subha
Routimes are the the one wirrten by abapers but based on
the funcational sepcifications givne by the funcational guys
. they can be with respect to any particular eahnacments
and either with condtion tables or customer adress cahnge;
maaterail group ; or with condtion tbale or type . The t-
code is / nvofm
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Answer / a. k. tripathi
Its a programme written by ABAPers to perform special task
as assigned by functional people. For example In SD Pricing
procedure V/08, three routines are defined as AltCBV,
AltCalType and Requirment.
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Routines are small programs written with the help of functional consultant by ABAPer.
They are done in VOFM.
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