What is the difference between a structure and a table?
What are different types of parameters?
What are the differences between a database index and a match code?
what is the difference between rfc and normal function module?
How many main windows are allowed in sapscript?
how can we print both side in smartforms? what connects smartform to it's driver program? in which event validation is done?
What are some control break events in abap?
what is the transaction code for asset master transaction
In one of our zflash against collections report is not matching with the actual collections i.e invoice valuse of 200000 and payment had received for entire invoice and as per accounts of the particular customer this invoice is cleared but when we had tken z flash for collections which had developed my ABAP tem it's not matching.it's happened for many invoices how to get right report as per the payment details?
in interactive reports i can use hide field for secondary list out put in ALVs for secondary list as a out put which field r u using?in interictive list ican use HIDE in ALVs which field r u using?
1. Driver prog & executive prog both r same ? 2. what is difference between At selection screen & At selection out put ? 3 . what is node used in smart form ?
wat are the SAPscript symbol?which of the following is not a SAPscript symbol?
Explain what are standard layouts sets in the sap script?