what is the function module to read the standard text?
if u have two internal table such as itab1 and itab2.in itab1 has four fields such as f1,f2,f3,f4 and in itab2 has two fields such as f1,f2.then how can u copy data from first internal table to second internal table.
what is an HIDE technique?
wat is a workflow schema?
what are Table-Controls?
How to join 3 tallies & looping. We have developed a program in a client say (200- client) and 210 has test data. No developing rights. How to test data?
do 4 times. sy-tabix,sy-index. end do. what is the output ?
how can i fetch the records of 3 tables with a single select query,without using join.
12 Answers CTS, IBM,
Events in Reports?
What is For-period and In-period
How to print continuous pages in smartform?my requirement is i need to print 3 pages for each customer i.e 2 pages for purchase order forms and 3rd page is terms and condition page.Likewise how can i print 100 customer pages at once continuously?
how to Create reports in SD module such as sales order report, which covers all organization levels, delivery status, invoice status, shipping details and partner function details. The data will be extracted from VBAP, VBPA, VBAK, VBUP, VBFA, KNA1, LIPS, VBRP, MARA, VBEP and KONV tables. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
What are the difference between call screen and leave screen?