What do you mean by batch data communications programming?
Hat are the different types of mode (run code) in call transaction method?
what is the way to find out user exits?
Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one and why ?
Where do you create indexes in abap?
What you did in scripts?
3 Answers Cap Gemini, FutureSoft,
Would WS_UPLOAD function module work if the BDC is run in Background? If yes explain, If no explain?
How do we assign dynamic views while creating material master and generating bdc? : abap bdc
write the program for prime numbers between 1 to 1000
What are the different methods of bdc? : abap bdc
when we use bdc and lsmw and bapis and ale idocs
What are ranges?
How do you write technical specs?
2 Answers Cap Gemini, IBM, PWC, TCS,