What are the important fields in purchasing view?
Why is the receipt of the goods imported to a company?
What is a purchase order?
How is the pricing of consignment stocks done? What information does consignment info record contain?
How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?
if suppose i m giving sample to store to quality and after one day this stock is unrestricted then quality people wants take another sample on same material suppose stock was 100 kg n in quality i was giving them 1 kg then after a day 99 kg was unrestricted ok, then they decided wants to need another sample 1 kg then what i m doing so pls tell me with transaction code???
What is Stock Type for RTP (Returnable Transport Packaging?
what is meaning of Layers in lsmw. how many layers in lsmw in sap mm ?
What is difference between plant define under company code and plant define under purchasing organization?
How will you manage purchase and inventory of materials such as electricity, water or gas in sap mm?
18. Whether you use the same template for all matl types or diff for each?
How do you set ‘automatic account assignment’ in mm?
Tell me the subcontracting process with movement types?