What are different abap/4 editors?
What is abap dictionary or data dictionary? What is the transaction to access abap dictionary? : abap data dictionary
Table ztest has a secondary index on the following fields: tnum, tcode. Select * from ztest where tnum ne '123' and tcode = '456'. Why is the index not used in the above case? Choices: a) Indexes are not allowed on Z tables b) Variables must be used, NOT literals c) Select individual fields, not select * d) Client is not in the where clause e) NE invalidates the use of an index Info: Can someone explain in detail why this happened? It will be really helpful to handle to case in Secondary index:
SAP Application Engineer role
What is RFC function module?
in bdc which method best comape to call transaction and session method?with example?
1 Answers vCentric Technologies,
what are the tools you are using for performance tuning in a object?
What is delivery class? : abap data dictionary
How do you find the information on the current screen? : abap bdc
Which method of BDC’s would u apply ? Session or call transaction ? why ? Which is more good ? Its advantages ?
How many types of size categories and data classes are there? : abap data dictionary
By default SAP provides locking mechanism if db is being used by a user ,then what is the use of writing enque method in your code?