What exactly posting key is in fico and what is its significance?
friends what is the cost object? what is the defference between cost object and cost center?
what is the form name for use functional spec? what are the steps in functional specs?
How to Configure Parking document system in SAP.
Condition Type s in OBYC?
What is a cost object? : co- general controlling
what are the tools for solving tickets in sap fico
What are automatically set in the asset masters during initial acquisition? : fi- asset accounting
Can you select direct fi posting for a depreciation run? : fi- asset accounting
what do you mean by gap document
What is posting key and what does it control?
while running depreciation(TC:- AFAB) for first time (posting period 001) under test run system don't show any error and no document is pickup by the system. plz help me solve this problem
Why do we perform cost center planning? : cost center accounting