What exactly posting key is in fico and what is its significance?
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Explain ‘controlling (co)’ in sap?
Maximum How many Special GL's can we assign/use to Company Code.
at the time of goods receipt the rate of the material is 1000 and at the time of invoice verificaiton the material price is 1200 what journal entries are generated at both scenario's
Explain financial closing? : fi- general ledger accounting
What are Tables in sap and what is the use of it?
We had two controling areas with different Fiscal years. A year later we changed the FY so both Controlling areas now have same fiscal year. we want to get rid of one controlling area and bring all the company codes into one controlling area. What is the fastest and safest way to do it?
What is the Exact meaning of the Tolerance group for G/L Account, Customers and Vendors...?
can any one explain about Report Painter?
Which coa is used for day to day postings ?
How and when fi/co functional consultant can create and release the task in transport request when this is development server, Please give detail information about this?
I know that in version ECC6 exists the functionality of document splitting like this: If an Invoice is for 11,000/-.Then we write the GL as : vendor A/C Dr XXXX to Purchase 1 XXX to Purchase 2 XXX to Tax XX But through Document Splitting we can write it based on the %age of sharing as 80 : 20%.. Vendor A/c 8,800(DR) Purchase A/C 8,000(Cr) Tax 800 (Cr) Vendor A/C 2,200 (Dr) Purchase 2000(Cr) Tax 200(Cr) This is called Document Splitting But when you talk about tax, you mean a line item created manually like tax or a document where you complete the tax code and the line is created automatically? Thanks a lot in advance. REgards,Lorena
Hi How can we delete a general, document, business area, company code & etc.,? Thank you